Monday, January 19, 2009

super lucky coffee pot

when we moved here two & half years ago, we found most of our household contents at yard sales & craigslist... and we really hit the jackpot when we found a krups caffe duomo (espresso on left/coffee on right) for $5 .. the lady told us her neighbor gave it to her & she didnt even know how to use it! haha...

about a year ago i dropped something heavy on the espresso handle and broke it off.. and being the cheapskate i am, i just couldnt bring myself to pay $14.99 for a new replacement part.. and keeping one eye peeled at all times.

a week or so ago, i went to the goodwill store to buy my kids a replacement teapot and I FOUND ONE! and it fits perfectly. i got it for $1.. major thrill, and now we're back to our espresso ways.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

happy 2009 everyone!

we had a good long holiday with ph home from work, and nothing to do but play with each other. we have noticed a marked change recently in the maturity of lucas facial expressions, and his ability to communicate took a huge leap forward, too. we wish you happiness and luck during all of 2009.. please know that we're thinking of you all - acquaintances, friends and family alike- that follow us in our adventures.