Wednesday, December 05, 2007

oh wow!

ruby has started saying her first words (except she already says mama & papa of course) she says "oh wow!".. and its so cute. she even used it in proper context once. we were walking down the street once and saw a train crossing the stret up ahead and i told lucas "hey look lucas, a train!!" and ruby said "OH WOW!"

she has also recently stood alone several times for a few seconds each. and will walk while holding only one hand. she has such a strong independent streak, i bet she'll be giving us a real headache when she's a teenager. but for now, its amazing and brilliant.

i hung our nontraditional christmas tree (a decorated door this year) and have just begun shopping and doing the christmas cards too. lucas is getting a kitchen, since its his new favorite thing to do. i was going to build one after being inspired by someone else's blog (nice work, cake!) but when i posted wanting a small cabinet for that purpose on our local freecycle, someone offered us a ready-made one. it's a big molded plastic thing and i wanted a wood one, so i was hesitant... but considered the recycling angle and decided it would be okay.

ps. november pix & videos are up. theres 2 videos in particular i love, worth mention: "letter i, letter b" and the one where the kids are playing "garbage truck"


At 8:58 PM, Blogger Marie Brannon said...

Oh, I love the picture of Ruby in her red overalls. So CUTE!!!! And my favorite video is the one of Lucas saying his letters, too.

At 10:01 PM, Blogger cake said...

oh wow! was cosmo's first word(s) too! thanks for the shout-out on the stove. it has its flaws due to the fact that toddlers do things to furniture that i couldn't quite anticipate (the hinging on the door is all wrong, for instance) but he plays with it, and slightly older friends of his really seem to like it.
i bet both of your kids will play with the one you get for many years to come.


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