Sunday, September 30, 2007

speaking of talking

we're also seeing stronger evidence of lucas budding bilingualism. here's a good example... at dinner, lucas wants more milk, so

L: mama! a nilk! (mama, a milk)
B: can you say please?
L: peese. (please)
B: no, i'm busy eating, can you ask papa?
he turns
L: papa! un lait! (papa, a milk)
P: dire s'il tu plait! (say please!)
L: uh plai (please)

(i won't ordinarily ask for a please if i know i will turn him down, but i do ask him to say please all the time, so i inserted it to make the two conversations equal)

what i think is absolutely amazing is how he speaks a different language at the turn of his head. and he doesnt even think anything of it! that's me who's impressed.


At 7:27 AM, Blogger Marie Brannon said...

Wow!! The human mind is a miracle, isn't it? Lu's mind is also attached to an adorable body and a gentle spirit.

I love Lucas.


At 4:16 PM, Blogger Marie Brannon said...

I love that video of Nikki jumping. I think Lucas is saying "pillow, pillow" while he's pointing to it, then "papa", then "baby", then he wants nikki to jump again so he tells her to get up.

don't understand what nikki says about papa, but the whole thing is just CUTE!!


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