Tuesday, January 17, 2006

walkin, yes indeed, and talkin..

ive been a bit busy with our little boy to blog lately.. because it seemed like his needs skyrocketed. well, in fact they did. he wouldnt play alone, he wouldnt take his naps and because of that was overstimulated and couldnt sleep through the night! he was so excited to be doing a few new things this week. call it a growth spurt. first the details: he's 7.5 months, 20 lbs, and 27 inches tall, and starting to have hair (looks like blonde.. sandy or bright, we cant tell yet), and people are starting to comment how much he looks like philippe.

first, let me backtrack a bit and tell you, since 5 months old, he loves to stand up, like its one of his favorite things to do. now he's started moving his feet taking steps while standing. so.. now he's "cruising" the furniture already, can you believe it?. yesterday, starting at the left side of a chair, he cruised over to the right side of it, and grabbed hold of a round end table, went halfway round it, and then while reaching for the second chair, finally fell down. keep in mind, this child doesn't crawl yet!! i read that some kids never crawl, they just go straight to walking - and it's looking like little lucas is one of 'em. it's okay, we'll just have to finish our childproofing earlier than most.

he's also started making lots of talking noises this week too. mmm ahmama buh bah bla wuh ... and it really sounds like he's expressing his ideas.. its really very cute. he's also starting to be VERY attached to me.. clinging alot, taking extra time with his milk, and wanting me to pick him up all the time.

and to top off this week, he got his first tooth! the lower left one, on january 16th. for a couple of days i was freaking out because his needs were at times were just exhausting.. but with the appearance of the tooth, the worst of it seems to have passed... for now!


At 4:44 PM, Blogger Marie Brannon said...


a toothful toddler!! they do grow up fast, don't they? betcha the boobies will be closing up shop before too long.

all of my kids said "da-da" waaay before they said "mama". drat.

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Mari said...

Glad to hear he got a tooth--has his sleep improved?

Oh, and Zoey said "dada" first, too. Wah.

At 6:29 AM, Blogger Claire said...

I hadn't checked out his pictures in a while.. Can't believe how fast little Lu is growing!

Bethany, get ready for lots and lots of girlfriends.. I know he'll have no trouble at all impressing the ladies!


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